Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lessons Learned From Water

Today in class we discussed the importance of water.  We also covered how to format or program water with the needs of the human body.  The methods we cover today have a basis in the research of people such as Emoto Masaru, who has done extensive research into water and water crystal formation.  He has written quite a few books on water. (The Hidden Messages in WaterMessages from Water and the UniverseThe True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering OurselvesThe Secret Life of Water, and The Spirit of Water: The Hidden Message for All of Us)

We also talked about how Microwaves, WiFi transmissions and EMF can distort the natural programming of water such that it becomes harmful to the human body.  This kind of pollution is something a lot more people needs to be aware of.  Hence, the importance of the water visualization practice we performed in class.  We should also make sure that we get a source of clean water, with a high quality filter, that leaves the minerals the body needs intact, while filtering out bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, etc.  Some high quality filters are:

Portable Unit
     Ariix Puritii Water Bottle Filter  -->
      (Can be purchased here:
       Filters up to 50 gallons per cartridge

Faucet Unit
     Hexagon™ Water Filtration System 2 - (
     (Can be purchased at eCosway Store in Westfield Mall 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd, Space E6, Santa Clara,   CA 95050)(Mention IBO # US 208573)
       Filters up to 792 Gallons for 2 of the 4 cartridges in the unit.  The best part about this unit is that it remineralizes the water.

On a side note, a few students mentioned about nutrition class not having enough information on good sources of high quality nutritionals and supplements.  If there is enough interest, I can request some of my suppliers to give a demo of their product line sometime in the near future, to show that you have choices besides the over the counter Kirkland brand, or Centrum.  

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