Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lessons Learned From Water

Today in class we discussed the importance of water.  We also covered how to format or program water with the needs of the human body.  The methods we cover today have a basis in the research of people such as Emoto Masaru, who has done extensive research into water and water crystal formation.  He has written quite a few books on water. (The Hidden Messages in WaterMessages from Water and the UniverseThe True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering OurselvesThe Secret Life of Water, and The Spirit of Water: The Hidden Message for All of Us)

We also talked about how Microwaves, WiFi transmissions and EMF can distort the natural programming of water such that it becomes harmful to the human body.  This kind of pollution is something a lot more people needs to be aware of.  Hence, the importance of the water visualization practice we performed in class.  We should also make sure that we get a source of clean water, with a high quality filter, that leaves the minerals the body needs intact, while filtering out bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, etc.  Some high quality filters are:

Portable Unit
     Ariix Puritii Water Bottle Filter  -->
      (Can be purchased here:
       Filters up to 50 gallons per cartridge

Faucet Unit
     Hexagon™ Water Filtration System 2 - (
     (Can be purchased at eCosway Store in Westfield Mall 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd, Space E6, Santa Clara,   CA 95050)(Mention IBO # US 208573)
       Filters up to 792 Gallons for 2 of the 4 cartridges in the unit.  The best part about this unit is that it remineralizes the water.

On a side note, a few students mentioned about nutrition class not having enough information on good sources of high quality nutritionals and supplements.  If there is enough interest, I can request some of my suppliers to give a demo of their product line sometime in the near future, to show that you have choices besides the over the counter Kirkland brand, or Centrum.  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

EMF fields and Detection.

This past week we discussed EMF pollution and radiation.  One useful device you can pick up to check the EMF pollution that you have around your house is called a Trifield 100XE EMF Meter.  You can order this on Amazon for a decent price.  It would also be helpful to unplug devices you are not using.  A lot of them generate a magnetic field even when not in use and still plugged in.  I will go over protective devices sometime in the next week as well as natural resonance balancing.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Microwaves disrupt the body's Bio-electric Field

     As you practice and learn more, you will understand that everything i in effect energy.  Even mass is energy, as Einstein postulated in E=MC^2.  This is also important to know.  In essence, it means to that Energy can be converted to mass and vice versa.  This also means that any outside electromagnetic interference or other wave forms can effect the mass of biological organisms.  Further studies indicate that waveforms such as microwaves can change the molecular structure and shapes of molecules.  For instance when you microwave   food  or water, the microwaves, changes the angles of the molecules so fast that it creates molecular frictional heat, thus the food is heated.  However, the side effect is that many of the molecules have a shape change.  This means that vitamins and minerals, although still present, is no longer in a recognizable form by the body. Basic tests of quantity of these molecules will conclude they are still there.  An analogy is this.  You look at 2 lots of cars.  They both contain 100 cars.  However one is a junkyard, in which the cars re not working.  The other is a lot o new cars that can help you travel to places that the broken down cars cannot.
     Getting back to the shape of molecules and biological effects.  If you know that the molecules are now unrecognizable, the biological effects are amplified in terms of negative effects on the body.  Since the body does not recognize the food as normal, the immune response kicks in.  We now have white blood cells entering the Large Intestines through the capillaries in the micro-villi.  They attack the deformed proteins and molecules and treat them as foreign to the body and as toxins.  The molecules that are absorbed into the gut now increase the risk of gasto-intestinal cancer.  The molecules that make it into the blood stream goes to the liver for processing.  Now the Liver is overwhelmed, and also has an increased risk of developing cancer.  This of course is very bad for the human body.
     On top of the problems with nutrients becoming toxins, we have water molecules.  Normally, water molecules have the oxygen and 2 hydrogen molecules at an angel of 104degree30.  In a microwave this angle is changed drastically to between less then 80 degrees to more then 120 degrees.  Now the water molecule is considered abnormal to the human body.  It is now also a toxin that causes the body upon consumption to leech out healthy water to dilute the unhealthy water molecules, causing cellular dehydration. Cellular dehydration causes the cells to function improperly and can lead to biological problems that we today cause disease.  Of course this is just a rough breakdown of what happens inside the body that causes the bio-electric field to to longer be in balance.  I will give some info to sources and links to these links in a few days.

Alternatives to using microwave ovens can be to use a conventional oven or a infrared oven.  I personally use a NuWave oven and love it.  The food actually taste pretty good.  The other alternative is Black & Decker.

Nuwave 20322 Pro Digital-Controlled Infrared Tabletop Oven, Black


2nd Week of Class

This is the the end of the second week of your Qi Gong I class.  I hope all is well with all of you.  Remember to keep practicing and eat an hour before class if possible.  I don't want anybody feeling dizzy or wanting to pass out.  Also remember to Journal your qi gong practices.  Also remember to bring a plant as well as blanket and yoga  mat.  Remember,  we are doing Plant absorption of qi and sleeping qi gong.  See you at class.